How to Archive Emails on Outlook Web Access

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If you have ever wanted to access your Microsoft Outlook inbox from any computer connected to the Internet, then you have to use Outlook Web Access. Outlook Web Access enables users to access their Microsoft Exchange Server from nearly any web browser, including Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox. It is especially useful for people who travel or for those who need to access their Microsoft email account on a Mac computer. Email archiving is the process of saving old emails for later use. This is a moderately easy task to accomplish in Outlook Web Access.


Step 1

Log into your Outlook Web Access account using your log-in name and password.

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Step 2

Click on "File" in the main menu.

Step 3

Select "Archive."


Step 4

Select the folder you wish to archive. In most cases this will be the inbox.

Step 5

Select the date from which you want to archive email. It is best to set the date no less than a month from the present. This will automatically archive all emails older than the date you select.


Step 6

Select a location you wish to archive files to. You can click the "Browse" button to select a folder as the archive destination.


Step 7

Click "OK." All email received prior to the date you selected will be saved to your archive.


Step 8

Select any remaining email messages you wish to archive. If you wish to select more than one message, you may either drag your mouse over multiple messages or press the "Shift" key while clicking multiple messages.

Step 9

Click the "Mark/Archive" button at the top of the inbox below Outlook Web Access' main toolbar. This will mark the message or messages to be sent to your email archive.

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