How to Transfer Microsoft Office Files To and From Your iPad

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Pages can open multiple file formats.

With the iWorks app suite for iPad, Apple is making it incredibly easy to view, edit and transfer Microsoft Office files between your iPad and either a Mac or a PC. You have to purchase each of the apps individually, which is a small price to pay for the convenience of viewing and editing important documents anywhere at anytime. The Pages app is compatible with Microsoft Word, the Numbers app is compatible with Microsoft Excel and the Keynote app is compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint. It's a great way to finish a last-minute homework assignment or fine-tune a big presentation.


Move Microsoft Office Files From Your Computer to Your iPad

Video of the Day

Step 1

Connect your iPad to your computer using the USB cable that came with your iPad. Open iTunes.


Video of the Day

Step 2

Select your iPad by clicking the "iPad" button in the upper right corner of iTunes. Select the "Apps" tab and move down the screen until you see "File Sharing."


Step 3

Click the name of the app you will be using to open your Microsoft Office file. For example, select "Pages" to view and edit a Microsoft Word file, "Numbers" for a Microsoft Excel file and "Keynote" for a PowerPoint file. Select the iWork app that corresponds with the file you wish to import and click "Add."



Step 4

Select the file you want to import from the dialog box that pops up and click "Choose." The file you just imported will appear in the "Documents" box to the right of your iWork app list.


Step 5

Select the iWork app.

Disconnect the iPad from your computer, select the iWork app that corresponds with the file you just imported and select "My Document," "Spreadsheets" or "Presentations." Press the folder icon in the upper-left corner of your screen. Select the Microsoft Office file that you wish to import.



Move Microsoft Office Files From Your iPad to Your Computer

Step 1

Select the iWork app.

Select the iWork app that corresponds with the Microsoft Office file you wish to transfer from your iPad to your computer. Select "My Documents," "Spreadsheets" or Presentations."


Step 2

Find the file to export.

Scroll through your files until you find the Microsoft Office file that you wish to export. Tap "Edit," then select that file and tap the "Action" button.



Step 3

Choose the Office format.

Select "Copy to iTunes" in the dialog box that appears. In the next dialog box that pops up, select the corresponding Microsoft Office format to export the file in.


Step 4

Connect your iPad to your computer using the USB cable that came with your iPad. Open iTunes. Select your device from the "iPad" button in the upper right corner of iTunes. Select the "Apps" tab.


Step 5

Move down to the bottom of the screen until you reach the File Sharing section. Select the name of the iWork app that corresponds with your Microsoft Office file. Select the Microsoft Office file you want to export and click "Save To." Select a location for your file in the dialog box that pops up and click "Choose."



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