How do I Sync a Phone to a Mercedes C300?

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The Comand system lessens dependence on Bluetooth headsets, like this one.

Syncing a phone to a Mercedes-Benz C300 via Bluetooth lets you make hands-free phone calls from your phone and dial numbers using the "Comand" system and the navigation dial near the center armrest of your C300. In order to sync a phone with the C300, a process called "External Authorization" is used to match your phone to the vehicle. Upon completion, your phone is automatically connected to the C300's Bluetooth connection when it is within range. Bluetooth is a standard option of the C300, which was introduced in the 2008 model year.


Step 1

Turn the rotating Comand dial near the center armrest on your C300 to navigate to the "Phone" screen. Alternatively, you can press the "TEL" key located near the radio controls.

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Step 2

Pull the dial downward to choose the "Phone" application in the lower left corner of the Comand display.


Step 3

Push downward on the dial to select the application and, when prompted, select the "Phone List" menu.

Step 4

Turn the dial to the right to choose "Options," in the top right corner of the display, and push down on the Comand dial to select "Options."


Step 5

Ensure that "External Authorization" is selected, and push down on the dial to select it.

Step 6

Check the screen to ensure that it reads "Ready for External Authorization," at which point you can prepare your phone for pairing.


Step 7

Open the menu on your phone by pressing the menu key or soft key, and enter the options or settings menu.

Step 8

Select "Set Up Bluetooth" and choose "Add Device" or "Search for Devices from Here" depending on the type of phone you have.



Step 9

Select "MB Bluetooth" when a list of all pairing-enabled devices within range is shown. The selection can be made by pushing down on the Comand controller dial.

Step 10

Confirm the pairing procedure on your C300's Comand screen. Highlight "Yes" and push down on the controller when asked "Do you want My Phone to be authorized?"


Step 11

Create a Bluetooth pass code for the connection using the Comand controller on your car. Although pass codes of up to 16 digits are allowed, four-digit pass codes are most likely to work with your Bluetooth-enabled phone.

Step 12

Select "OK" on the Comand screen after entering the pass code.


Step 13

Enter the pass code created in Step 11 on your Bluetooth-enabled phone when prompted, and press "OK" on the phone after entering it. After you've entered the pass code, your phone may ask if you want to accept the connection from "MB Bluetooth," at which point you should select "Yes."


Step 14

Verify that "My Phone" is displayed in the lower left corner of the "Phone" menu after completing the pairing process. This provides visual confirmation that your C300 and phone are synced via Bluetooth. You can make calls directly from the Comand screen or by dialing numbers on your cell phone.

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