How to Access Company Email Address Online

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When you are away from the office, you may need to access your company email account. Many companies use separate servers for email accounts and document storage. You may need to access the email account through a server address different than the company's primary website. This can vary from company to company. The ability to access corporate email away from the office is doable, however.


Step 1

Open the web browser on the computer you are using. In the address bar of the browser (located at the top of the browser) enter the website address provided by your company's IT department. Some companies may have access to company email via their primary website, others may use IMAP or POP3 email, meaning you have to access a separate email server.


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Step 2

Contact your company IT department for the email server website address. For example, Outlook Express email access sites might look like:

Step 3

Download the email software if prompted to do so. Some email servers do not require the computer to have software on it for accessing the email, other servers such as those using Outlook Express, may require a browser plug-in. Restart the browser if prompted.


Step 4

Enter your email address you use for your company email. Enter the password for the email account. If you do not know the password, you can click the "forgot password" link if available or contact your company's IT help desk to have the password sent or reset.


Step 5

Allow the emails to load. Companies that use external servers for email storage may require your computer to automatically "fetch" or download new emails onto your computer to access. This may take a few minutes.

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