How to Add Icons to a Taskbar

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Add Icons to a Taskbar

The taskbar has many uses and features that many people do not know about. The taskbar has the ability to hide and only come out when your mouse passes over it, can be moved to any four sides of your monitor and can quick-launch applications that you add to it. The process of adding icons to the taskbar is very simple.


Step 1

Click the icon you want to add to the taskbar. This icon can be from the "Start" menu or from the desktop.

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Step 2

Drag the icon to the Quick Launch toolbar. If you cannot see the Quick Launch toolbar, then follow these steps: Right-click the taskbar, select "Toolbars" and select the "Quick Launch" option. The Quick Launch toolbar will appear as part of your taskbar.


Step 3

Release the mouse button and drop the icon into the Quick Launch toolbar. Your icon is now added to the taskbar.

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