How to Adjust the Picture Quality of a Vizio TV

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Vizio TVs give the user control over a number of settings that puts the look and feel of the image in the user's hands. Vizio TV owners can modify the intensity of light colors, dark colors, edges and a variety of other details to tailor the look and feel of the image on the TV to suit their specific needs. Adjusting the picture on your Vizio TV can be done with the remote control that came with the device and only takes a few minutes.


Step 1

Press the "VIA" button on the remote control that came with your Vizio TV.

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Step 2

Select "TV Settings" using the arrow keys on the remote and then press "OK."


Step 3

Highlight Picture using the arrow keys on the remote and then press "OK."

Step 4

Press the right-pointing arrow button on the remote control until Custom appears to the right of Picture Mode.


Step 5

Press the down-pointing arrow on the remote control until Backlight is highlighted. Adjust the Backlight levels using the right- and left-pointing arrows on the remote. The higher the number, the brighter the overall screen will be. Alternatively, a lower number dims the screen.

Step 6

Press the down-pointing arrow until "Brightness" is highlighted. The higher the Brightness number, the more the color black will stand out; the lower the number, the less black will stand out.


Step 7

Press the down-pointing arrow until "Contrast" is highlighted. The higher the Contrast number, the more the color white will stand out; the lower the number, the less the color white will stand out.


Step 8

Press the down-pointing arrow until "Color" is highlighted. The higher the number, the more intense colors will be. Alternatively, a lower number will cause the intensity of the colors to be more subdued.


Step 9

Press the down-pointing arrow until "Tint" is highlighted. Primarily, tint affects the color of skin tones. A higher number causes skin colors to become warmer and more orange. Alternatively, too low of a number cause skin tones to become too pale.

Step 10

Press the down-pointing arrow until "Sharpness" is highlighted. A higher number intensifies edges and makes them more prominent; a lower number softens edges and allows images to blend together more.

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