How to Change a DVD Player to Multi Region

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While DVD encryption is used to ensure copyright protection, a tactic of "regional" restriction is employed to protect against unlawful distribution, according to Microsoft's Tech Net. The problem with this regional DVD coding is that it interferes with playback even if a foreign DVD is bought legally. Luckily, many DVD players allow users to adjust the regional settings for specific regional playback. Furthermore, a generic "multiregion" setting lets people playback DVD products from all or most of the eight major DVD distribution regions.


Switching Regions

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Step 1

Turn on your DVD player.

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Step 2

Open the DVD player's main drive, also commonly called the DVD "tray." The region cannot be changed while a DVD is in the machine, so many DVD players require the tray to be open as an extra precaution.


Step 3

Push "Info" or "Setup" on your remote.


Step 4

Use the remote to select the "Region" option as indicated on your TV screen.

Step 5

Select "Region 9" to change the system to multiregion formatting. Regions 1 through 8 represent specific geographic locations and will not allow multiregion playback.



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