How to Check to See How Many Hits Your Craigslist Ad Gets

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Image Credit: Poike/iStock/Getty Images

Knowing how many hits your Craigslist ad receives will help you judge the success of your ads. If you receive a high number of people viewing your ad, but no one responds, then you may need to adjust the wording or include better photos. If you receive a low number of hits, then you may want to adjust the wording of your subject to make your ad more appealing to viewers.


Step 1

Go to with your preferred Web browser.

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Step 2

Scroll down the page to the "Customize Your Counter" section.

Step 3

Click in the "Text Color" box and a color picker will appear. Drag your mouse to click on the color text you want for your counter.


Step 4

Click in the "Background Color" box and a color picker will appear. Drag your mouse to click on the background color you want for your counter.


Step 5

Click the "Apply Color" button. The custom code for your tracker will appear in the code box.


Step 6

Select all of the code in the code box and paste it into your Craigslist ad.

Step 7

View your Craigslist ad to see the number of hits it has. Don't forget to subtract the number of times you viewed your own ad.

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