How to Completely Uninstall QuickBooks

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Intuit's QuickBooks is a line of business accounting software, released not long after the commercial success of the Quicken line of personal accounting software. QuickBooks has since become the premier business accounting software, with "USA Today" stating that it commands 87 percent of its market. Despite its popularity, QuickBooks isn't immune to occasional problems that may require a reinstall. A complete, or clean, uninstall is the first step, and one of the most crucial.


Step 1

Click "Start," then click "Settings" followed by "Control Panel."

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Step 2

Click "Add/Remove Programs."

Step 3

Locate QuickBooks from the list of programs, and select it.


Step 4

Click "Change or Remove Programs" or "Uninstall." When prompted, click "OK" to uninstall QuickBooks.

Step 5

Find "QuickBooks Product Listing" in the same "Add/Remove Programs" listing and remove it by clicking "Change or Remove Programs" or "Uninstall," followed by "OK" when prompted.


Step 6

Right-click and select "Delete" on the following folders for Windows XP/2000 if you don't have other Intuit products installed on your computer: C:\Program Files\Intuit C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Common Files\Intuit


You can also rename them by right-clicking them, and selecting "Rename."

For Windows Vista/7, remove the following folders instead, and replace "" with the username for the account you are using: C:\Program Data\Intuit C:\Program Data\Common Files\Intuit C:\Users<current user>\AppData\Local\Intuit C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit C:\Program Files\Intuit C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit



Step 7

Right-click and select "Delete" on the following folders if you are using Windows XP/2000 and have other Intuit products installed on your computer: C:\Program Files\Intuit

You can also rename them by right-clicking them, and selecting "Rename" from the menu.


For Windows Vista/7, remove or rename the following folder: C:\Program Data\Intuit

Step 8

Restart your computer to finalize any changes to the registry that uninstalling QuickBooks may make.

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