How to Compress Bin Files

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Unlike many types of files on a PC, clicking on a binary (bin) file does not automatically open it in one program. Instead, the extension signifies different file types that are not text, such as graphics, sounds or additional interfaces. A particular program may need a specific bin file to run correctly. Such files can be too large for convenient handling, especially if they contain multimedia. Fortunately, several options exist for compressing them into smaller archives.


Step 1

Choose an online compressor, such as Nippy Zip. The site can zip up to 10 files into one archive, but limits bin file sizes to 5,024 KB each. You can download the compressed archive from a link on the site, or have it sent to an email address for later downloading from any computer with an email connection.


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Step 2

Download, install and run a free compressor like 7-Zip, which removes any file size restrictions. The utility compresses to several archive types, including 7-Zip, which CNET hails as being 40 percent smaller than equivalent zips. A built-in file manager lets you manipulate folders and files without leaving the software, and a command line version lets advanced users quickly compress several files with different options. Because the software is open source, knowledgeable users can tailor the program to their specific needs.



Step 3

Buy and run a commercial product like WinZip, which has a free trial download at its website. The utility compresses to over a dozen formats, including its proprietary, and has a ribbon similar to Microsoft Office 2010. Security features include password-protection and automatic shredding of files after use. The program can back up files to a DVD, CD or email account. It can also zip files with self-extraction so that recipients can open them with a double-click. A stand-alone decompression program is needed.

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