How to Convert Clonezilla to VirtualBox

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With Clonezilla, you can take an image of a hard drive, including a hard drive that contains your operating system. VirtualBox can read that image and create a virtual machine out of it. This allows you to move a physical hard drive to a virtual machine on another computer, or even the same computer.


Step 1

Move the Clonezilla disk image to a location where you can reach it in a virtual machine. This can be on your hard drive, a USB drive or an external hard drive.

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Step 2

Open VirtualBox and click "New." Name your virtual machine and select the operating system it will use. VirtualBox will run through a short wizard to set the options for the virtual machine. The only option that you need to change is the drive size of the virtual machine. Make sure that it is large enough for your Clonezilla image by adjusting the slider.


Step 3

Click the name of your virtual machine and "Start." VirtualBox will ask for the location of the disc or disk image that you want to use to install an operating system on the virtual machine.


Step 4

Navigate to the location of the Clonezilla disk image and click "Open." The operating system will install. When it finishes, your Clonezilla image will be accessible as a virtual machine on your computer.

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