How to Create a Direct Link

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Direct links are used to point people to an image, video or web page file located on another website. Using a direct link can be good and bad. People don't have to type in the website you are linking to manually. When you place an image to your website as a direct link, the image looks like part of your web page, although it's actually pointing to a different web server. This makes it easy for affiliates to add direct links directly to the website they are promoting.


On the other hand, hotlinking (direct links pointing to someone else's web server files without their permission) is considered bandwidth theft, according to When you use another website's bandwidth--data transmitted over the Internet--the site's operators have to pay for the bandwidth you're using.

Video of the Day


Video of the Day

Step 1

Go to the website that contains the direct link you want to use and copy the web address from the address bar.

Step 2

Open your web page document using an HTML editor and scroll to the area you want add a link to. Switch to HTML view if you are using a website editor.


Step 3

Follow the remaining steps below.

Step 1

Add the following direct link to your HTML code:


Step 2

Replace the web address ( with the one you copied from the website you want to link to.

Step 3

Save your file and preview it in the web browser. Your image will link directly to the web address you added.


Step 1

Add the following direct link to your HTML code:


Click here to view video


Step 2

Replace the web address with the correct website video link.

Step 3

Save your file and preview it in the browser. Click on your video link to test it.

Step 1

Add the following direct link to your HTML code:


The Web Page or Affiliate Website Name Goes Here

Step 2

Replace the website address with the correct link. Note: If you signed up as an affiliate, find and use your affiliate website code. Most affiliate sites, such as Amazon and iTunes, have direct link generators for their affiliates.

Step 3

Save your file, preview it in your web browser and test that the link works.



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