How to Delete a Blank Page in WordPerfect

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Blank pages appear in WordPerfect for various reasons: a conversion from Word, a section break and user error are the most common causes for these to appear. Although blank pages can appear relatively easily, getting rid of them can be a chore. There are a few tricks and tips that can get rid of just about any blank page.


Delete Method

Video of the Day

Step 1

Open the document with the extra page you want to get rid of.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Place the cursor at the end of the last line in the document.


Step 3

Press and hold the "Delete" key until you see the blank page disappear.

Find and Replace Method

Step 1

Press the "Control" and "H" keys simultaneously. This brings up the "Find and Replace" window.


Step 2

Type "^b" in the "What" section. This is saying you want to find section breaks. Do not put anything in the "Replace" section. You are telling WordPerfect to find all of the section breaks and delete them.

Step 3

Click the "Replace All" button. If you have other section breaks you have placed in the document and you do not want them removed, then this may not be an option for you.


Reveal Code Method

Step 1

Press the "Alt" and "F3" keys simultaneously. Select "View" and then "Reveal Codes." This action will split your document window. The lower pane will show your document with all of the Reveal Codes.


Step 2

Place the cursor at the end of the last line in the document behind the "SPg" or "HPg" code. The SPg code means end of sentence, and the HPg means ends of paragraph.

Step 3

Press and hold the "Delete" key until you see the blank page disappear. The difference between this method and the Delete Method is that you can actually see the code. If the needed code symbol does not get deleted, highlight it and delete. This method gives the user more power over the document.


