How to Find Cached Files on a Computer

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Cache files are temporary files downloaded by programs on your computer. Every few minutes, the programs you are using duplicate cache files and store them on your computer. Cache files are also browsing history that websites store on your computer to make it easy for you to use the same websites again. However, cache files can slow down computer speed if there are too many on your computer. Without damaging your applications, you can delete cache easily.


Step 1

Double-click "My Computer" on the desktop to launch Windows Explorer and double-click the "C:" drive.

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Step 2

Double-click the "Documents and Settings" folder if you are using Windows XP and double-click your username folder. Double-click the "Temporary Internet Files" folder. You should see your browsing history (Cache).


If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, double-click the "C:" drive and double-click "Users." Double-click your username folder and double-click "AppData." Double-click "Local" and double-click "Microsoft." Double-click "Windows" and double-click "Temporary Internet Files." You should see your browsing history (Cache).


Step 3

Delete the Web pages you don't want by right-clicking them and clicking "Delete." If you want to delete all the browser cache, click the "Edit" menu and click "Select all." Press "Delete" and click "OK" to confirm.


Step 4

Run the disk cleanup utility to remove additional system cache (Temporary files). To do so, click the Windows "Start" menu and select "All Programs." Select "Accessories" on the new menu and select "System Tools." Click "Disk Cleanup."


Step 5

Select the drive you want to remove files from and place a check on the "Temporary Files" check-box to remove system cache. Select the other categories that you want to delete files from. Click "OK." Disk Cleanup removes system cache from your computer.

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