How to Find Out Your Mobile Number on a Nokia

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Finding your mobile number on a Nokia phone is simple after you know the process. Sometimes, a Nokia phone owner has difficulty locating the phone number for the phone. Nokia phones work with any service provider, and the number problem occurs most often with prepaid plans. You have a phone, but the service is not connected, so you are unable to call another phone and quickly find out the number.


What's My Phone Number?

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If your phone is activated and functioning normally, a simple solution exists. Call a friend who is with you, let it go to a missed call on the friend's phone, pull up the missed call and write down the number. Now you have your phone number recorded. You can elect to save the number in your phone as "Home" as well. Saving the number in the phone is a good practice, especially when you have a new number that you haven't memorized yet. This works for everything from Nokia to a Windows 8.1 phone number and is the easiest way to find your phone number.


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Phone Settings

You can find the phone number on a Nokia phone directly. This process works on newer Nokia smartphones such as the Lumia 830. It requires a touchscreen model and takes only a few steps to pull up the number. First, turn on the phone so that the home screen is active and present. Next, swipe left to pull out the menu. Select the "Settings" option and then select the "Phone" option. Your phone number displays on the screen.


SIM Card Location

Your Nokia phone number is directly attached to the SIM card stored in the phone. You can use the card as a means of determining your phone number. To locate your SIM card data, navigate to the "Settings" menu on your Nokia cellphone. The location of the settings menu varies based on the phone. Some have the settings available in the upper right corner and others in the lower right. On select touchscreen models, you can also swipe left. Select "Network and Wireless" in the settings menu and then select the "Cellular and SIM" option. Select the SIM Settings to view the SIM identity number. If a phone number is associated with the SIM, it displays on the SIM settings regardless of the carrier. This also works on prepaid models that are not currently activated. It reads the SIM information and not the phone itself.



