How to Make a Banner Using Microsoft Publisher. Microsoft Publisher is a tool that enables users at home to create professional looking publications, banners, and flyers. Real estate professionals use Publisher to create banners and flyers for homes they are trying to sell. Banners can be made for special occasion parties, or advertising and marketing products. Save time and money by creating your own wonderful banner. Read on to learn more.
Step 1
Launch Publisher through the "Start" menu or double click the icon on the Desktop. Click "File" and "New" from the top menus after the program has opened.
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Step 2
Click the right arrow next to Blank Publications. From the list that becomes available to pick from, select "Banner" and an example will appear on the right hand side of the window.
Step 3
Select a design from the examples on the right hand side. Publisher has several templates and they are listed in alphabetical order. Choose "Blank" if you want to start from scratch. If you want a use a template, double click it and it will appear in your banner. Right click and select "Cut" from anything you don't like about the template.
Step 4
Left click the "Insert" and "Picture" to bring in your own company's logo or design or a clip art picture. Even a photo can be inserted using this method.
Step 5
Add text by clicking on "Insert" and "Text Box." Click the mouse where you want the box to start in the banner. Play with all the options that there are. Make fonts large enough for your audience to see from yards away.
Step 6
Select "File," "Print," then "Properties" to use the Landscape option to rotate your paper lengthwise.
Step 7
Click "File" and "Print Preview" to get your first look at your creation. When all is set correctly print your work. Tape, glue or paste your banner together and hang it up!
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