An emoticon is a popular way to express an emotion in a text message or Facebook post. The sender uses the letters and symbols on the keyboard to form the emoticon. The first emoticon used a colon followed by a hyphen and right parenthesis, which when viewed sideways looked like a smiley face :-). Now "smileys" have evolved to various facial expressions, celebrities, flowers and animals. There are two variations of frog emoticons: the passive frog and the frog catching a fly.
Create a Passive Frog
Video of the Day
Step 1
Type the number "8" to represent the frog's eyes: 8
Video of the Day
Step 2
Enter a "right parenthesis" to create his chin: )
Step 3
Check to make sure your frog looks like this: 8)
Create a Frog Catching a Fly
Step 1
Type the number "8" to give your frog big eyes: 8
Step 2
Add a "right parenthesis." It should look like this: 8)
Step 3
Type two "tildes" to create your frog's tongue The tilde is usually located to the left of the exclamation point on a computer keyboard. Now your frog should look like this: 8)~~
Step 4
Type an asterisk to add the fly. Your completed emoticon should look like this: 8)~~*