If you are planning a wedding, a gala, or any other important event, you must have a guest list. The guest list will help you keep track of important information, such as who has been invited, their relationship to the person being honored, and how many people are in their party. It can also double as an RSVP list, with a column you can fill in upon each guest's response. A guest list might sound intimidating, but using a template in Excel makes it much simpler.
Step 1

Open Excel. It doesn't matter if you are in a blank workbook or an existing spreadsheet. If you are using Excel 2003 or earlier, click "File" and then "New." If you are in Excel 2007, click the Office button and then click "New."
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Step 2

Type "Guest List" into the "Search Online" box in the "Templates" section if you are using Excel 2003. In 2007, click "Microsoft Office Online" under templates, and then type "Guest List" into the "Search Microsoft Office Online for a Template" box. Click "Go."
Step 3

Click on a template in the "Search Results" box to preview it. When you have found the basic template you like, click the "Download" button. The guest list template will open as a new Excel worksheet.
Step 4

Make changes to the way your guest list looks. If you want to use a different graphic than the one on the template, click the picture to select it. Go to the "Insert" menu of Excel 2003 and point to "Picture," and then click on "Clip Art." Go to the "Insert" tab in Excel 2007 and click on "Clip Art" in the "Illustrations" group. Find a clip art that suits your event and insert it. You can format fonts and alter colors by selecting a cell or range, right clicking and choosing "Format Cells." Change text by clicking on the words you want to change, selecting them with your mouse and typing the text you want.
Step 5

Save your guest list in your My Documents or another folder. Give it a name that pertains to your event, such as "Party Guest List." As you decide who you will invite, type the names and addresses in the appropriate location.
Step 6

Sort your list after you have entered all of your guest information. This will help you make sure you didn't forget anyone, and also ensure that there are no duplicates on your list. Start by clicking the square between A and 1 in the top left corner of the guest list. This will select your entire sheet. In Excel 2003, go to the "Data" menu and click "Sort." In Excel 2007, go to the "Data" tab and click "Sort." Make sure "Header Row" is selected and click "OK."
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