How to Make an MP3 File Into a URL

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Like a web page, an MP3 file can be uploaded to your web server. Once it is on the server, it can be accessed through a URL, consisting of your domain name plus the music file's name. In order to keep your website and server organized, you should have a dedicated directory for your MP3 files.


Step 1

Upload the MP3 file to your web server. Remember the name of the directory where you put it. A good idea is to place it in a directory called "Music."

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Step 2

Open a web browser.


Step 3

Type the exact location of the file, starting with your website address, into the browser address bar. For example, if your website is named "," the directory where the file is located is called "Music," and the file is called "song.mp3," the URL would be "" This URL can be used to link to the MP3 file from within your website or from other websites.


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