Contact groups help you organize your contacts based on any criteria you choose. You can create a group for co-workers, clients, friends, project partners, family or for any other purpose. Apple does not provide the functionality in the iOS operating system for contact groups on the iPad. However, you can create iPad contact groups in your iCloud account. These groups will then be visible in your iPad contact list. Make sure to sync your contacts on your iPad with your iCloud account before attempting to create a contact group. Populate the new iCloud contact group with contacts synced from your iPad once the new group is created.
Set Up and Sync iPad with iCloud
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Step 1
Open iCloud by tapping "Settings" on the iPad, and then tapping the "iCloud" icon. Log in with your Apple ID username and password. The iCloud Terms of Service displays the first time you log into the system. Read the Terms of Service.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Tap the check box next to the statement, "I have read and agree to the iCloud Terms of Service" to acknowledge your agreement.
Step 3
Tap "Continue" to configure iCloud for first use. The iCloud Features list displays.
Step 4
Tap the check box next to the "Contacts" option in the iCloud Features list. Check any other options that you would like to synchronize with iCloud, such as "Mail & Notes," "Calendars" or "Bookmarks."
Step 5
Tap the "Continue" button. iCloud is enabled, and the selected items on your iPad are synchronized to your iCloud account while your iPad is connected to the Internet.
Create Contact Groups in iCloud
Step 1
Open iCloud and log in with your Apple ID username and password. The iCloud dashboard displays.
Step 2
Tap the "Contacts" icon in the iCloud dashboard. The All Contacts screen displays.
Step 3
Tap the "Red Ribbon" on the top of the All Contacts screen. The Groups List displays.
Step 4
Tap the "Add" button near the bottom of the screen in the Groups List screen. The "Add" button is identified by the "+" sign. The Add Group page displays on the left side of the screen.
Step 5
Type a unique name for the new group, and then tap outside of the text field. The name of the new group is saved.
Step 6
Drag contacts from your "All Contacts" list, and then drop them into the newly created group to add contacts to your group.