How to Make the Facebook Screen Back to Regular Size

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When browsing the Internet, you may occasionally change your browser's settings, whether accidentally or on purpose. One common browser setting that can be altered easily -- even accidentally -- is the appearance of a website's font and text size. If you've changed the page size while you were logged into your Facebook account, you may notice that the page is too large or small when you view it. There's a simple solution to getting your Facebook page back to its normal size.


Internet Explorer

Video of the Day

Step 1

Open the Internet Explorer browser by double-clicking its desktop icon or by finding it under the "Start" menu.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Log into Facebook.


Step 3

Click the gear wheel icon located in the upper-right corner of the browser window. This will open a drop-down menu.

Step 4

Hover your cursor over "Zoom," and select "100%." Alternately, you can press the keyboard shortcut of "Ctrl" and "0" to return Facebook to its original viewing size.


Mozilla Firefox

Step 1

Open Mozilla Firefox by double-clicking its desktop icon or by finding it under the "Start" menu.

Step 2

Log into Facebook.


Step 3

Click the "View" option from the toolbar to see its drop-down menu. Hover your cursor over "Zoom" and select "Reset." Alternately, you can press the keyboard shortcut of "Ctrl" and "0" to return Facebook to its original viewing size.

Google Chrome

Step 1

Open Google Chrome by double-clicking its desktop icon or by finding it under the "Start" menu.



Step 2

Log into Facebook.

Step 3

Access the settings by clicking the icon that looks like a wrench in the upper-right corner of the browser window.

Step 4

Select "Options" from the drop-down menu to open a dialog box. Click "Under the Hood" to navigate to a new page.


Step 5

Click the drop-down box next to "Page Zoom" under the "Web Content" section. Set the zoom to "100%." Alternately, you can press the keyboard shortcut of "Ctrl" and "0" to return Facebook to its original viewing size.


