How to Post Multiple Photos to Facebook for a Friend's Profile

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A photo posted to a friend's Facebook wall is visible to all of her friends.

While you cannot upload an image directly to one of your friends' Facebook profiles, the social networking site makes sharing images quite easy. If you have more than one image to share with a friend, either create an album on your own page and tag your friend, or post the photos right to your friend's profile wall. Any content sent to your friend's profile is in her control, so she is allowed to remove any tag you apply or delete the image from her wall if she doesn't like it.


Step 1

Click the "Profile" link at the top of any Facebook screen and then the "Photos" link beneath your profile picture.

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Step 2

Click the gray "Upload Photos" button in the top right corner of the page.


Step 3

Click the blue "Select Photos" button and then use the pop-up window to choose the photos to be uploaded. The window shows your computer's hard drive folders. Navigate to the folder that contains your photos and hold down the "Control" key while you select multiple images with your mouse. Click "Open" to begin the upload.


Step 4

Tag your friend once the photos are uploaded. Facebook automatically tries to detect your friends' faces in the images, but you are also allowed to manually tag a friend. Click on "Tag Photos" in the center of the album's page and enter the person's name. Click on the photos you want to tag. Click "Save Tags." Copies of the images are sent to your friend's profile, and she gets a notification about the action.



Step 5

Post multiple pictures right to a friend's wall by clicking the "Photo" icon in the "Share" toolbar. Click "Upload" and then "Browse" to choose a photo from your hard drive. Click once on an image and then "Open" to select it. Click "Share" to post the photo. Repeat the process to add another photo.

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