How to Put a Link to Your Facebook on Your Website

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Drive traffic to your Facebook profile with a link from your personal or business website.
Image Credit: Chris Jackson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Having a link on your Web page to your Facebook profile is a way to attract traffic and promote your profile. Facebook calls a website link to your profile a "badge." Visitors to your website click your badge to view your Facebook Timeline.


Step 1

Log in to your Facebook account. Visit the Facebook Badges page.

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Step 2

Click the "Profile Badge" button. You can also choose a "Photo Badge" to show off your Facebook photos on your website or a "Like Badge" to display your favorite Facebook pages and content on a personal website or blog.


Step 3

Click "Blogger," "TypePad" or "Other" to choose which type of website you want to add your badge to. If you're not sure, choose "Other."

Step 4

Click the "Edit This Bage" link on the right to customize the information that appears in your profile badge. You can choose to display your hometown, current city, networks, profile photo, birthday and email address by clicking to select the applicable check box. Click the "Save" button when you're done.



Step 5

Select and copy the code from the text box if you chose "Other." Paste the code into your Web page source where you want the badge to appear.

Step 6

Log in to your blog account when prompted if you chose "Blogger" or "TypePad" and follow the instructions to post your badge to your blog.

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