How to Reset a Canon PowerShot Camera to Factory Settings

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Canon PowerShot cameras are known for ease of use.
Image Credit: Brian Ach/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Canon PowerShot cameras are compact point-and-shot cameras that offer dozens of controls, modes, filters and effects you can apply. If you overexperiment with the settings, need to troubleshoot a problem with the camera or are preparing to sell the PowerShot, reset the camera to its default factory settings. Look for the Tools icon in the menu to reset the camera.


Step 1

Turn on your PowerShot and press the "Menu" button to open the menu in the viewfinder window.

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Step 2

Press the directional arrows on the Func.Set button to select the "Tools" tab, which is represented by a wrench and hammer icon. The Tools menu appears in the viewfinder window.


Step 3

Scroll to "Reset All" using the directional arrows on the Func.Set button.


Step 4

Press the "Func.Set" button to select Reset All. A "Reset Settings to Default?" message appears. Highlight "OK" using the directional buttons and then press "Func.Set" to select it and restore your camera's factory settings.

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