How to Test an NTP Port

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Test your NTP port settings to ensure the system time updates.

Network Time Protocol servers provide network users with updated system time values. This keeps all network computers synchronized with a central server. This is beneficial for network administrators who need to schedule backups, application processes, or other network services dependent on the client computer's system time. The NTP port is the "opening" where the server's NTP service runs. You test the NTP service by querying the server and resynchronizing your system time.


Step 1

Right-click your system clock located in the Windows task bar. Select "Adjust Date/Time" to open the time configuration window. Change the time in the configuration window. This time is changed to the correct value after you test the NTP port settings.

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Step 2

Click the Windows "Start" button and enter "cmd" (no quotes) into the Windows search text box. Press "Enter" to open the command line.


Step 3

Enter "net time /querysntp" (no quotes) and press "Enter." This displays the NTP server configured on your machine. This ensures your Windows registry is properly configured with the server name.


Step 4

Enter "w32tm /resync" (no quotes) into the command prompt. Press "Enter." This tests the NTP port. The system time updates to the correct value hosted by your NTP server.

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