How to Turn Off a Samsung TV

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Samsung is the maker of many electronic devices such as cameras, DVD players and, of course, television sets. Samsung has a variety of television types available including CRT, rear-projection, LCD, LED, and most recently, 3-D. Each type has its own differences concerning setup and what types of images it can produce (standard and high definition), but turning the power on and off remains the same for any type of television set.


Step 1

Locate the power button on the TV set or the remote control. The power button on almost all models of Samsung televisions is on the front of the set, in the center, just below the screen. The button is usually in the top-right or top-left corner of the remote control.

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Step 2

Press the power button on the TV set or on the remote to turn the power off.

Step 3

Turn the TV back on by pressing the button again on either the TV set or the remote control.


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