LG Plasma Flat Panel T.V. & the Effect of Temperature

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Be cautious about unusual temperature conditions, such as above a fireplace.
Image Credit: Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images

Plasma TVs operate by burning particles of gas at extremely high temperatures, but that doesn't mean that they aren't susceptible to damage from extreme temperatures. While the gases that generate the picture aren't adversely affected by temperature outside the unit, plasma TVs do contain electronic components that are fragile. LG plasma TVs are in no danger when used at normal indoor temperatures, but owners should take precaution if they are exposed to unusual cold or heat.


Specified Temperature Ranges

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LG specifies the operating temperature range for its plasma TVs as between 32 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit. They should be able to function normally anywhere within this range, although temperatures closer to room temperature are recommended for product longevity. The specified storage temperature range is broader, between -4 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that they can be shipped or stored in extreme temperatures without being damaged.


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Effects of Heat

While plasma TVs are able to operate in uncomfortably warm temperatures, product experts don't recommend this because it shortens their life span. Plasma TVs generate a lot of heat on their own, so they are built with internal cooling systems. The warmer a TV's surrounding temperature or the less ventilation it has, the harder it has to work to cool off. Excessive use of the cooling system and excessive heat wears down the TV's electronic components and ages the whole device faster.


Effects of Cold

Cold temperatures will do no damage to plasma TVs until they dip below freezing. The cold itself doesn't hurt a TV, which is why it can be transported and stored in freezing temperatures. But if you take a cold TV indoors and immediately turn it on, its electronic components can suffer irreversible damage. When it heats up too quickly, water will condense on and inside the unit. As most people know, water and electronics don't mix.



Standard precautions will protect any LG plasma TV from temperature-induced damage. To protect it from heat and to ensure a longer life-span, place your TV in an area that is well-ventilated so that it can stay cool. LG recommends 4 inches of clearance on all sides. If you want to mount it above a fireplace, test the heat radiating above the mantle. It should not be more than about 90 degrees Fahrenheit.To protect the TV from cold temperature damage, avoid shipping or storing it in temperatures below freezing. If it is frozen and you bring it into a warmer room, wait a few hours before you turn it on. This will allow it to warm up slowly and avoid damage from condensation.


