How to Sharpen a PDF

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If your PDF files are so fuzzy and unclear you cannot read them, you can sharpen them with enhancement software. PDF files serve as containers for other files. These files, which can be opened with Adobe Reader, allow you to view, print and edit multimedia, maps, photos and text. Using software with many enhancement features to sharpen your PDF files ensures greater quality in your files. Even computer beginners can use PDF enhancing software to sharpen PDF files.


Step 1

Sharpen PDF files with Advanced PDF Tools. Once you load your PDF, you can use features such as document summary, page magnification, the optimization panel and PDF file compression to sharpen the PDF. The optimization panel allows you to specify various sections of the PDF that you wish to enhance. This tool also supports file batch processing and supports command line usage.


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Step 2

Sharpen PDF files with Pharma. This software can sharpen your PDF files with its ability to lighten and darken images, clean edges, eliminate line gaps, fix inverse text, de-shade images and remove punch holes. With this tool, you can create your own filters, which allows you to focus on the primary issues that make it hard to read your PDF.


Step 3

Sharpen PDF files with Adobe Reader. You can sharpen your PDF files with this tool's PDF Optimizer feature. This feature allows you to adjust aspects of your PDF such as the compression, transparency settings, pixels and downsample. It also sharpens PDFs by reducing the size of your PDF. You can remove embedded fonts and unnecessary items.


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