How to Connect to TFTP

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The Trivial File Transfer Protocol uses simplified commands to initiate transfers from one device to another. As a stripped-down version of FTP, TFTP is particularly useful when security and ease-of-use are not necessary, such as when you load flash images onto a router. Most operating systems include TFTP as an option.


What is Needed

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Connecting with TFTP requires the device to which you wish to send a file be running a TFTP server. After that service starts, you must connect to that device using an IP-based network or serial cable.


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Getting Connected

Enter TFTP mode by opening the command line interface of your operating system. Some operating systems, such as Windows, require you to install an optional component before TFTP is available. While in the command interface, which can be accessed by typing "cmd" into the search bar in Windows, you can either "put" or "get" a file. Getting downloads the file from the TFTP server, and putting sends the file. The structure for the command is "tftp [put/get] [name of file] [destination address]". Sending "I-like-tftp.jpg" using TFTP to would then look like "tftp put I-like-tftp.jpg"



