How to Convert a Column to All Caps in Excel

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Unlike Microsoft Word, Excel does not have a "Change Case" button. To convert an existing column of text to all caps, you need to use the UPPER function in another column. This function copies the text from your original column and changes its case. After creating a second column with uppercase test, you can copy it and paste its values on top of the original column to convert it.


Step 1

Click a cell in an empty column in the same row as the first cell you want to convert. For example, if you want to convert text in cells A1 through A10, click inside B1.

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Step 2

Type "=UPPER(" without quotes, then click the first cell to convert and press "Enter." Instead of clicking, you can also type the cell's location after the opening parenthesis.


Step 3

Double-click the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the cell you just created. This fills the new column with uppercase versions of the text from the original column.

Step 4

Select all the cells in the uppercase column and copy them by pressing "Control-C."



Step 5

Right-click the first cell in the original column and click the "123" icon in the Paste Special section to select "Values." This replaces the original column with the uppercase version.

Step 6

Delete the contents of the second column you created. The original column will retain its new capitalization.

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