How to Convert INT to String in Java

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You can convert an integer to a string in Java.

Converting an integer to a string is a common practice when programming. For some application processes, it's necessary to manipulate the format. Java makes converting an integer to a string easy through one of its internal functions.


Step 1

Declare the integer variable. Before using any variable, you need to declare it for the compiler. Here is an example of a defined integer set to the value of 1:

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int myInteger = 1;


Step 2

Declare the string variable. A string variable needs to be defined to save the converted integer. You can't save a string to a declared integer variable, so there needs to be a second variable for the conversion. Here is an example of a declared variable set to a value of an empty string:


String myString = "";

Step 3

Convert the integer to a string. Now the integer can be converted. This line of code converts the myInteger variable and saves it to the myString value:



myString = Integer.toString(myInteger);

Step 4

Print the variable to the console. To verify the conversion, print to the screen. To print in Java, use this code:


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