When you combine a set of Portable Document Format (created by Adobe Systems) files into a single file, navigating through the document can be difficult. After you combine your PDFs (for example, to create an information packet as part of a master's thesis submission or dissertation) you can easily view the bookmarks associated with each file, just as if they were notebook tabs in a physical notebook. Then, you can click on each tabbed link to gain quick access to individual sections of your combined document.
Step 1
Create documents using a word processor such as Microsoft Word. Print the files to the Adobe PDF format. Open your first PDF file.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Select "Merge files into a single PDF..." from the Adobe Acrobat "Combine" menu.
Step 3
Click the "Add files..." button and select the file to add. Add as many files as you need to complete your task.
Step 4
Rearrange the order of the files (if necessary) by clicking the "Move up" button, for example.
Step 5
Click the "Combine files" button to combine the files and then click the "Save" button to save and name your new file.
Step 6
Click the"Navigation Panels" option from the "View" menu and then select the "Bookmarks" option. On the left, you can see the titles of the file you have just combined.
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