How to Enable Windows Audio

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Windows Audio is a service that manages audio devices. It is necessary for any sound to be made when a program is running in Windows. As the default, this service automatically starts whenever Windows does, however, it can be stopped. If the service is stopped, it can easily be enabled with the Windows computer management tool. Learn how to enable Windows Audio and check that it automatically starts with Windows.


Step 1

Open the Windows Computer Management tool. This is found by clicking Start Menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

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Step 2

Scroll down the list until you find "Windows Audio," and click on it. This will highlight and bring up options to the left of the service list. Click "Start." Windows Audio will now be enabled.


Step 3

Check the value in the 4th column of the line of the Windows Audio Service. This column is labeled "Startup Type." It should say "Automatic." If it says "Manual" or "Disabled," continue to Step 5 to set Windows Audio to start automatically when your computer does. Close "Service."


Step 4

Click Start > Run. Type "msconfig" (without the quote marks) into the Run text box, and then click "OK." This starts the System Configuration Utility.


Step 5

Click "Services." If the Hide All Microsoft Services box is checked, uncheck it. Scroll down until you find "Windows Audio." Check the box to the left of "Windows Audio" to set it to start when Windows does. Click "OK" to close the System Configuration Utility and save your changes. Click "Restart" to restart your computer so that your changes take place immediately or "Exit without Restarting" to wait and restart later.

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