How to Stop Windows From Detecting New Hardware

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Microsoft Windows operating systems use a feature called plug-and-play to automatically detect new hardware. If you want to stop Windows from detecting new hardware when you connect it to your PC, you need to turn off the plug-and-play feature of the operating system. Fortunately this change can be easily made and does not require a great deal of computer expertise. It will help, however, if you know the basics of getting around your computer.


Step 1

Log in to your computer, click on the Start button and click on the Run option. In the Run window type "SERVICES.MSC" and press Enter.

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Step 2

Search for the service called "UPNP Device Host" or "Universal Plug and Play Device Host" depending on which version of Windows you are running. Right click on the service, select the Properties option and under the Startup Type, select the Disabled option, and then click the OK button.


Step 3

Search for the service called "SSDP Discovery" or "SSDP Discovery Service" depending on which version of Windows you are running. Perform the same actions you took to disable this service as you did to disable the Universal Plug and Play service in the previous step.


Step 4

Restart your computer to ensure that the settings changes you have made are applied to the operating system.

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