How to Insert a Registered Trademark Symbol on a Mac

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Add a registered trademark symbol after the trademark is legally registered.

A symbol with a capital "R" inside a circle represents a registered trademark that is legally registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. When creating a document, you may wish to place a registered trademark symbol next to a registered trademark within the document. If you are using a PC, you must hold down the "Alt" key and type the specific key combination of 0,1,7 and 4. This process, however, is slightly different when you are using a Mac as the Mac keyboard does not support "Alt" key codes like the PC does.


Step 1

Open the document on your Mac that needs the registered trademark symbol. Place your cursor in the document where you want to insert the symbol.

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Step 2

Press and hold the "Option" button on your keyboard.


Step 3

Press the "R" key on your keyboard while holding down the "Option" key. Release both keys to insert the registered trademark symbol.


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