How to Kill a Process in AIX

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Adanced Interactive eXecutive, or AIX, is a distribution of UNIX created by IBM for use on many IBM workstations an servers. AIX uses traditional UNIX commands and utilities while adding its own management applications and tools created by IBM. You can kill a process in AIX using standard UNIX tools.


Step 1

Log into the AIX system using a user name and password. Make sure this user name is a super user or the owner of the process you'd like to kill.

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Step 2

Type "ps -aux | grep " (without quotation marks) into the system terminal to find the process you are looking for. Press "Enter" to run the command. Replace with part of the name or description of the process you'd like to find, such as "mysql" for the MySQL database server.


Step 3

Locate the "PID" column in the "ps" command's output. This is the process ID and is needed to terminate the process.


Step 4

Locate the "PID" column in the "ps" command's output. ThisType "kill -9 " in the terminal. Replace with the Process ID of the process you'd like to terminate. Press "Enter" to run the command.

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