How to Make an Arrow Symbol on a Mac

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Mac OSX Yosemite enables you to insert different types of arrows into your text through its Emoji & Symbols menu. Insert the symbol into any type of text, such as word processor documents and emails, to highlight important information or just as a decorative element. Over 100 different styles of arrows are included in the Emoji & Symbols menu.


Step 1

Click Edit in the menu bar. This option appears no matter which program or application you use, such as a Web browser like Safari or any word processor including Pages, Notes and Word.

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Image Credit: Courtesy of Apple

Step 2

Select Emoji & Symbols in the drop-down menu.


Image Credit: Courtesy of Apple

Step 3

Click Arrows in the Characters menu


Image Credit: Courtesy of Apple

Step 4

Double-click the arrow of your choice in the menu to insert it into your text. To make your search easier, the arrows are divided into seven sub-categories depending on the direction in which they point.


Image Credit: Courtesy of Apple

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