How to Make Titles in Microsoft Word

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Adding a title and subtitles to a Microsoft Word document can help readers understand the content and main themes of the text quickly, without having to read every page. Word includes a selection of text formatting tools, including automatic title and subtitle styles that complement the font face used for the body text in the document. You can add titles to a Microsoft Word document with the automatic Styles tool or by manually formatting text with the Font tool.


Make Microsoft Word Titles With the Styles Tool

Video of the Day

Step 1

Launch Microsoft Word.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click "File" followed by "Open" from the main menu to open and edit an existing document, or click "New" to start a new Word document.


Step 3

Type the title for your Word document at the top of the page. For subtitles, add the subtitle text above the relevant section of text. Highlight and select the title text.

Step 4

Click the "Title" button in the "Styles" group under the "Home" tab on the main menu ribbon to automatically apply a title style to your title text. Click the "Subtitle" button in the "Styles" group to automatically apply the recommended subtitle style to the selected text.


Step 5

Click "File" followed by "Save" from the main menu to save the document.

Make Microsoft Word Titles With the Fonts Tool

Step 1

Open the Word document that you want to edit, or start a new Word document. Type the title or subtitle text into the Word document.


Step 2

Highlight and select the text. Click the arrow button beside the font face display in the "Font" group under the "Home" tab to open a list of all available font faces. Click on your preferred font face to apply the font to the title text. Click the arrow button next to the font size display. Select your preferred font size from the drop-down list.


Step 3

Click the "B" button to apply a bold font style to the title text. You can also italicize the text by clicking the "I" button, or underline it with the "U" button. Click the font color button with the red bar under the "A" icon to launch the color-picker tool. Click on your preferred title text color in the color-picker pane to apply this color to the title text.

Step 4

Click "File" followed by "Save" from the main menu to save the document.



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