How to Print an Excel Spreadsheet as Mailing Labels

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Your boss just gave you an Excel spreadsheet of more than 100 names. She wants you to create mailing labels for all of them. Typing them out or even copying and pasting them into a label template could take hours. In addition, such a method is susceptible to data entry errors. Microsoft Office makes the process much easier. Using Microsoft Word's mail merge feature, you can print an Excel spreadsheet as mailing labels. This feature will help you eliminate hours of tedious data entry.


Step 1

Open Microsoft Word. Click on the "Mailings" tab and select "Start mail merge." Select "Labels."

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Step 2

Select the manufacturer of your labels from the drop-down menu. Select the product number of your labels. Click "OK."


Step 3

Click on "Select recipients" in the "Mailings" tab. Select "Use existing list." Navigate to the Excel spreadsheet that contains the data for your mailing labels. Select the file and click the "Open" button.

Step 4

Select the worksheet of your Excel spreadsheet that contains the mailing data. Uncheck the "First row of data contains column headers" box if your worksheet does not have headers. (An example of a header is a Name header. It should be located in the first row of the worksheet. If the first row of your spreadsheet starts with an actual name, person, or place, you do not have headers.)


Step 5

Click the "OK" button to continue. You will see that all of your labels except the first one now display the phrase <>.

Step 6

Click on "Address block" in the "Mailings" tab. Click on the "Match fields" button if your preview doesn't look correct. Match the address block names on the left with the fields from your Excel spreadsheet on the right. If there is no match within your spreadsheet, select "Not matched." Click "OK." Repeat this step until the address block preview matches what your label should look like.



Step 7

Click the "OK" button to continue. Your first label will now read <>. Click on "Update labels" in the "Mailings" tab. You will see that the rest of your labels now contain the phrase <><>.

Step 8

Click on "Preview results" in the "Mailings" tab to see what your labels will look like. Click on "Finish & merge" in the "Mailings" tab. Select "Print documents." Click "OK."

Step 9

Select your printer. Make sure the label stock is loaded correctly. Click the "OK" button to start printing your labels.

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