How to Remotely Disable the Windows Firewall in Windows 7

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When a Microsoft Windows 7 system is connected to a network, you can remotely control the system's policies and configuration as the domain administrator. If you have sufficient access to the machine over the network, you can disable the firewall for all of the profiles on the Windows 7 system using a single command from your workstation's Command Prompt.


Step 1

Open the "Start" menu and type "cmd.exe."

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Step 2

Right-click "cmd.exe" and click "Run as Administrator."

Step 3

Enter your administrator password if prompted, then click "OK."


Step 4

Type "netsh -r ComputerName -u Username -p Password -c advfirewall set allprofiles state off" without quotation marks in the Command Prompt.

Step 5

Change "ComputerName" to the IP address or network name of the Windows 7 computer you want to disable the firewall on, and replace "Username" with your administrator user name on the system. Replace "Password" with your password on the machine. For example, if you are connecting to with the user name Skippy and the password banana24, type:netsh -r -u Skippy -p banana24 -c advfirewall set allprofiles state off



Step 6

Press "Enter" to run your command. The firewall will be remotely disabled on the machine, and your Command Prompt window will indicate success.

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