Adding captions to fields helps both you and future database administrators to better understand the design and content of your databases. Microsoft Access has a dedicated field designed for captions. How you go about specifying a caption in Access depends on whether you want to set the caption directly in a database table or in a form that queries a table.
In a Table
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Step 1
Click the "Design" tab to set your Access table to Design view. Design view enables you to modify the structure and edit the properties of a table.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click the field for which you want to specify a caption. When you click the field, Access displays the Field Properties pane at the bottom of the window. The Field Properties pane provides you with a list of editable details about the selected field.
Step 3
Click the "Caption" box and specify your desired caption for the field.
In a Form
Step 1
Press "F11" on your keyboard to load the Navigation pane.
Step 2
Right-click the Navigation pane and select "Layout View" to set your form to Layout view.
Step 3
Right-click anywhere in the form header and select "Form Properties" to load the Property Sheet task pane.
Step 4
Click the "All" tab, click the "Caption" property and enter your caption.