If you have a wireless modem that allows you to connect to the Internet, it may become necessary to connect to the router wirelessly to update router information. Accessing your wireless modem is as simple as opening your browser of choice and typing in the default IP address to access the router.
Step 1
Open the administrator portal to your router. Typically, this requires you to open a Internet browser and type the following: "," "," and/or "" Some routers will automatically open to the page for you to manage information as well. The instructions provided with your router will give you the exact IP address if it is different from the one above.
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Step 2
Enter your your login and password. Many routers have a default password that allows you to connect to the modem. The instructions provided with your router will give you the exact default login and password. It is highly recommended that you change this default login and password. If you don't, you leave yourself open for anyone to connect to your router.
Step 3
Update applicable wireless information. For example, you can see all computers connected to your router, change the wireless security encryption key, configure port forwarding, update your router firmware and/or back up your router configuration.
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