How Do I Check Outlook Email at Home?

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Access your Outlook email when you're at home using the Web browser on all your devices. Depending on the type of account you have, a few methods are available to manage your email. View your personal Office 365, and Hotmail email on any Web browser using the website. If your email account is part of your organization's Exchange server, then you may access your email using the Outlook Web App or by configuring Outlook on another PC with Outlook Anywhere. Information in this article applies to Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Outlook 2013.


Video of the Day

Step 1

Open the website (link in Resources). You can access through any device with a Web browser, including a Mac, PC, tablet or smartphone.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Enter the email address for the account you wish to access into field below Microsoft Account. If you use an alias with your account, you can enter that alias into the "Microsoft Account" field instead. For example, "[email protected]" without the quotes.


Step 3

Enter your password into the "Password" field and then click "Sign In." Your inbox appears in the center pane and your mail folders below the Folders sidebar.

Outlook Web App

Step 1

Find your Outlook Web App URL in Outlook 2013. Open Outlook 2013 and select your inbox. Click the "File" menu and then locate the URL link below "Access This Account on the Web" in the Account Information section. You can use this URL to access your email on the Web..


Step 2

Open your Outlook Web App website in a Web browser. For example, "" without the quotes. You can access your email from any Web browser, including Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox and mobile browsers.


Step 3

Sign in to the Outlook Web App. Type your username into the "User Name" field. For example, enter the first part of your email address before the "" Type your password into the "Password" field and then click "Sign In."


Outlook Anywhere

Step 1

Open the Mail dialog. Press the "Windows" key to open the Windows Start Screen. Type "Mail," click "Settings" from the Search Charm and then click "Mail" from the results.The Mail dialog helps you create and manage your Outlook Profiles.


Step 2

Configure your email profile. Click "E-mail Accounts…" and then click "New…" under the E-Mail tab. If you haven't used Outlook on this PC before, you must first click "Add," and then enter a profile name. For example, type "Home." Click "OK." Click the "Manual Setup or Additional Server Types" radio, then click "Next." Select the "Microsoft Exchange Server or Compatible Service" radio and then click "Next" again.


Step 3

Enter your account settings. Type your Exchange server address into the "Server" field. For example, "". Enter your username into the "User Name" field. Your username is generally the first part of your email address before the "" Click "Next" and then "Finish" to complete the configuration. Your email account is now configured to work in Outlook.


Step 4

Access your email in Outlook. Open Outlook 2013 and then click the "Send/Receive" tab. Click the "Send/Receive" All Folders button. Depending on the size of your mailbox, this process may take some time to complete. After your mail has been received, click the "Inbox" folder on the sidebar to access your account's Inbox.



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