How to Block Bing

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Bing is integrated as a search provider for your Web browser on the Microsoft operating system. When a search is made using this provider, the results will display on the Bing search engine. If you do not want Bing used on your network, you can block all access to the server. Remove the search extension with the Windows Registry Editor, and block the Bing servers with the Windows HOSTS file.


Step 1

Close Internet Explorer, and press the "Windows" and "R" keys to open the Run dialogue box.

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Step 2

Type "Regedit" in Run dialogue box and press "Enter."


Step 3

Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes" on the left pane.

Step 4

Double-click the "SearchScopes" key. This expands all of the subkeys.


Step 5

Click to highlight each subkey. This populates the right pane with information. Look at the name in the "Data" column next to "Default." Highlight each subkey until you see "Bing."

Step 6

Right-click the subkey and click "Delete." Click "Yes" to confirm. This blocks the use of the Bing search provider. Close the Registry Editor.



Step 7

Open a Run dialogue box again. Type "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc" and click the "OK" button.

Step 8

Right-click "HOSTS" and click "Open With." Select "Notepad" on the Open With dialogue box and click "OK."


Step 9

Add the following below the "::1 local host" line:

Step 10

Click "File" and "Save." Close all open windows. Start your Web browser and try to navigate to The Bing servers will no longer load on the computer.

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