How to Convert a PDF to Access

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PDF files are a popular file format because they retain the design of a document regardless of the computer from which the document is accessed. The problem with PDF files is the fact that they are not easily edited. Therefore, if you have created a PDF file and want to revert back to the original data file, there are software programs available that will accomplish this task. Although it is a bit more difficult to convert PDF files into MDB files (.mdb is the file extension for Microsft Access databases), there indeed is a process to do so. There are two major ways to convert PDFs into Microsoft Access files. The first asks the user to purchase third-party software, while the second route may be accomplished for free.


Step 1

Find and download a third-party program that will convert PDF files into MDB files. This may be more difficult than it seems, as there are not a whole lot of programs that can achieve this. There is a Resource that is posted at the bottom of the page that can achieve this conversion. However, this program costs $12.95.


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Step 2

Find and download a third-party program that will convert PDF files into an excel file. If you do not want to purchase third-party software, there are freeware programs that will convert PDFs into various file formats including Excel. Finding this type of program is much easier than the programs described in Step 1. See Additional Resources for links to freeware.


Step 3

Convert the desired PDF into an Excel file. Choose the PDF file you are interested in converting and choose the output format. Save the file on to your computer.

Step 4

Import your saved Excel File into Microsoft Access. Open Microsoft Access and click on "File>Import".



Step 5

Choose the appropriate version of Microsoft Excel that you are importing. If you are running Microsoft Excel 7.0, it may not appear on the list. If this is the case, choose version 5.0 instead.

Step 6

Choose whether you want to append your file to an existing table or create a new table. Once you have clicked "OK", you have successfully converted a PDF into a Microsoft Access file.

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