How to Convert Excel to DAT

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How to Convert Excel to DAT
Image Credit: shironosov/iStock/Getty Images

You can use the Notepad program on your Windows 7 computer to create DAT files, but you cannot open an Excel file in Notepad without first saving it as a CSV file. The CSV format is a plain-text document type that separates values with commas, which allows you to preserve some of the Excel formatting while still being able to view the file in plain-text editors. Your converted DAT file will then prove accessible in the program that requires that format.


Step 1

Double click to open your Microsoft Excel 2010 file.

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Step 2

Click the "File" tab in the upper-left corner, then select "Save As."

Step 3

Click the drop-down menu to the right of "Save As Type" and select "CSV (Comma Delimited)."

Step 4

Click the "Save" button, click "OK" to save the active sheet, then click "Yes" to keep the worksheet in CSV format.

Step 5

Right click the CSV file you just created, click "Open With" and select "Notepad."



Step 6

Click "File" at the top of the window, then click "Save As."

Step 7

Click the drop-down menu to the right of "Save As Type" and choose "All Files."


Step 8

Click inside the "File Name" field and add ".dat" to the end. For example, if your filename is "xxxxxx," modify it so it reads, "xxxxxx.dat."

Step 9

Click the "Save" button.

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