How to Create a 4 Axis Chart in Excel

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Bar graphs and pie charts are fairly simple to produce and helpful for displaying number series. But when you need to express graphic representations of data that require more than three axes, you want a radar chart.


Some examples of data best represented by more than three axes are a comparison of the amount of rainfall in inches for each of all four seasons within a year, or comparing and displaying amounts of revenue for various products for each of four quarters. Going beyond these examples, there are many applications suitable for Microsoft Excel Radar charts.

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Step 1

Create a new spreadsheet in Excel.

Step 2

Type the label names of your axes in each column, for example, Axis 01, Axis 02, Axis 03, and Axis 04 as headers in columns A, B, C, and D respectively.


Step 3

Type the corresponding data for each column and row. The row data will be the "Series" plotted against the actual axis of each column.


Step 4

Highlight the entire set of rows and columns by dragging the mouse cursor across the axis and data fields while holding the left mouse button down.

Step 5

Click "Insert," "Charts," then "Other Charts" and choose a "Radar" option from the main menu.


