When you find your way onto the internet or interact with any form of large network through your computer, your particular hardware is distinguished from the myriad of other computers in use using a server name. Just as every human being is given a name to help identify him from the billions of other humans on the planet, your computer is earmarked with a specific "name" that will direct queries directly back to it. If you'd like to learn more about your computer's server name, you can do so using a few simple steps. Using the Windows operating system, you can find your specific server name in a matter of seconds.
Finding Your Server Name
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In order to find your computer's server name, you'll first need to open the "Computer Name, Domain and Workgroup Settings" menu. You can find this particular menu by clicking on the Start menu of your Windows operating system desktop and then right-clicking the "Computer" tab, at which point you can locate the aforementioned naming menu. Once you've arrived here, you can locate information about your computer's current name within the "Computer Name" form field.
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A more detailed examination of your computer's name can be found within the "Full Computer Name" form field. In this particular area, you can also find the domain name for your computer alongside its individual name. This information acts as a succinct and highly accurate depiction of your computer's identifying data on the internet or within a larger network.
Other Opportunities to Locate Names
You can also use your computer's command prompt menu to locate your server name. This can be accomplished by opening the "Run" menu of your Windows operating system using the Windows button and the "R" key. Open the DOS interface of your computer by typing the letters "cmd" into the "Open" field of the run menu. After you press enter, a new window should open which includes the DOS command prompt. In this window, type "Hostname" and press the enter key. Your computer's server name should appear. If this process doesn't work, it's possible that you have improperly typed one of the previous commands.
It's also important to remember that you can change your computer's name if you feel it necessary. Using the same process mentioned previously, you can access your computer's name settings and quickly begin changing them as needed. These changes will pass through to any networks or internet use, meaning they'll be discoverable by other network devices.