The memory card stored in your digital camera or cell phone uses a type of memory called "flash memory" that easily stores large amounts of data in a small space. If your flash memory card is formatted incorrectly it will throw you parameter errors whenever you try to save a new file. In order to fix the errors and continue to use the memory card you will need to re-format the card. This can be done on your computer using a standard feature that is included with your operating system.
Step 1

Remove the memory card from the electronic device. Insert the memory card into your computer's internal card reader. Connect an external card reader to your computer's USB port if it doesn't have an internal card reader.
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Step 2
Exit out of the window that pops up on your screen. Click on the "Start" menu button at the bottom end of your desktop.
Step 3
Scroll up through the menu and select the "My Computer" entry. Scroll down to the list of drives currently connected to your computer.
Step 4
Find the drive letter that is connected to your memory card reader. Right-click on the memory card reader's drive letter. Click on the "Format" option in the pop-up menu that will appear.
Step 5
Click on the "File System" button at the top of the new window. Select the option labeled "FAT32" in the drop-down menu list.
Step 6
Click the "Allocation Unit Size" button at the center of the window. Choose the "Default Allocation Size" option from the drop-down menu.
Step 7
Remove the check mark from the check box labeled "Quick Format" if it is checked. Click the "Start" button to format the card and fix the parameter errors.
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