How to Fix an Acer Computer With No Sound

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Fix audio issues with your laptop computer.

Acer is a Windows based computer company that specializes in the create of laptop and netbook systems. These computers have built in speakers so there should never be an issue with audio playing form the Acer. However, if for whatever reason audio is not projecting from the speakers you must troublehsoot the issue. There are a few specific steps you may take to correct the audio issue and bring sound back to the computer.


Step 1

Double-click the sound icon in the lower right corner of the desktop. This loads the audio options menu onto the screen. Make sure not of the audio options are set to "Mute." If they are uncheck the options and the sound returns.

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Step 2

Disconnect any headphones you have connected to the "Line-out" port on the Acer laptop. If headphones or anything else is connected to the line-out the audio is not going to be produced by the computer's built in speakers.


Step 3

Connect your computer to a local power source. If the battery is running low the laptop often stops producing audio as a method to extending the battery life.

Step 4

Download updated drivers for the Acer computer. If the sound drivers are out-of-date the audio is not going to project from the speakers properly. Navigate to the website, choose your country of origin, then click "Service and Support." Click "Driver "Download" in the left corner of the screen and click the kind of computer you have. Choose the exact make and model of your computer and all of the available drivers are displayed. Click the audio driver and it downloads to your computer. Double-click the downloaded file, then follow the prompts to install the updated driver. Restart the computer and the audio now plays correctly on the system.


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